We live in an interesting time where cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence have become a part of our daily routines. With the help of AI-driven conversational agents such as ChatGPT we can now interact with technology on a whole new level by having conversations with it. But it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of these new technological advancements and forget that there are humans behind the technology who may not always have our best interest at heart.

In this blog we address the importance of cybersecurity when interacting with our new chatty AI friends, and we provide you with a short but very important list of information that you should never divulge on an AI platform.

AI, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, cybersecurity , privacy

Protecting Your Privacy in the Age of AI: Why Cybersecurity Matters

We interact with AI-powered systems on a daily basis, from virtual assistants to chatbots, and even advanced AI models like GPT-3. While these AI friends are incredibly helpful, it’s important to remember that the data you provide to them can be stored and potentially used by others. In this first section, let’s review the importance of cybersecurity when engaging with AI and explore the reasons why you should be cautious about the information you share.

Your Data is Stored

When you interact with AI, whether it’s through text or voice, the data generated during these interactions is often stored by the service provider. This data can include your questions, responses, personal preferences, and even sensitive information. It’s essential to realize that this stored data has the potential to be accessed, analyzed, and used by the company or individuals behind the AI system. Here are some key points for you to consider:

  • Data Privacy: AI service providers can collect and store your data for various purposes, including improving their algorithms, targeting advertisements, or other business interests.
  • User Profiles: Over time, AI systems can build detailed user profiles based on your interactions, which can be valuable for marketing or other purposes.
  • Security Breaches: In the unfortunate event of a data breach, your personal information and conversations could be exposed to malicious actors.

Data Sharing and Monetization

Companies that offer AI services often have terms and conditions that grant them the right to share or sell user data. It’s crucial to be aware of how your data might be used beyond the immediate interaction with the AI system.

Your data could be shared with third-party companies for various purposes, including targeted advertising or research. Some companies profit by monetizing user data, potentially without your explicit consent or awareness. It’s also important to consider the ethical implications of how your data is used and whether you’re comfortable with it.

Protecting Your Privacy with Cybersecurity

To ensure that your interactions with AI doesn’t compromise your privacy, it’s imperative to follow cybersecurity best practices

  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Secure your accounts with strong, unique passwords and consider using a password manager to keep track of them.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Whenever possible, enable 2FA to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.
  • Limit Sharing of Sensitive Information: Avoid sharing sensitive information with AI systems, especially when discussing personal or financial matters. More on that in the next section.
  • Review Privacy Settings: Regularly review and adjust the privacy settings on AI platforms to control what data is being collected and how it’s used.
  • Regularly Update and Patch: Keep your devices and software up to date to protect against security vulnerabilities.

While AI has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, it’s crucial to remember that the data we share is not immune to potential misuse or breaches. By practicing good cybersecurity hygiene and being mindful of the information you share, you can enjoy the benefits of AI while safeguarding your privacy in this digital age.

Assorted AI chat software applications on a small screen.

Critical Pieces Not to Share with ChatGPT

While artificial intelligence plays an increasingly significant role in our lives, it’s vital to strike a balance between reaping the benefits of this technology and protecting our personal security and well-being. In this section, we’ll explore five critical pieces of information that should always remain off-limits when conversing with ChatGPT (or other AIs). By adhering to these principles, you can harness the capabilities of AI while ensuring your security and privacy remain intact.

Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

The golden rule is to never share any personal identifiable information (PII) with ChatGPT. This includes details like your full name, home address, phone number, social security number, and any other information that could potentially be used to identify or locate you. Protecting your personal information is crucial for your safety and privacy.

Financial and Banking Information

ChatGPT should never be privy to your financial or banking information. This includes your credit card numbers, bank account details, and any sensitive financial data. Protecting this information is vital to prevent potential fraud and identity theft.

Passwords and Login Credentials

Under no circumstances should you disclose your passwords or login credentials to ChatGPT. This includes usernames and passwords for your online accounts, email, or any other login-protected services. Sharing this information could lead to unauthorized access and compromise your online security.

Private or Confidential Information

ChatGPT is not a confidential or secure medium for sharing sensitive information. Avoid discussing private matters, intimate details, or any confidential business data that could be detrimental if exposed. It’s important to maintain your privacy and security when using AI chatbots.

Proprietary or Intellectual Property

Protect your intellectual property, ideas, and proprietary information. Do not share confidential business plans, trade secrets, or any proprietary data that could be used by others to gain an unfair advantage. Maintain your competitive edge and safeguard your innovations.

Navigating the AI Landscape

Chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT have seamlessly integrated into our routines and quickly become “friends” we engage with on a daily basis. There is no denying that these AI-driven conversational agents offer us a range of benefits, from convenience and assistance to valuable insights. ChatGPT, with its advanced AI at the helm, isn’t just a run-of-the-mill program; it has completely transformed the way we interact with technology. This remarkable tool can engage in conversations, respond to queries, and provide us with meaningful insights that enrich our experiences. However, despite its incredible utility, there are boundaries and potential risks to consider when sharing certain types of information with this tool.

We hope you have found the information in the blog helpful and consider implementing some of the cybersecurity best practices we have discussed. AI is amazing and it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of it, but our privacy and security should always be remembered when interacting with our new digital friends.

Partnering With a Cybersecurity Company Can Protect Your Privacy and Security

The best way to stay secure in this new world of technology is to partner with someone who has the experience and tools to do so.

At PCC, we embrace AI daily, and we utilize it to improve networking security, cybersecurity, monitoring, and more. Our managed IT services allow businesses like yours to stay ahead of criminals. By keeping up with the latest AI trends, threats, concerns, and more, we can offer companies the ability to adapt their networking security strategies to the newest developments, which can help keep data in and cybercriminals out.

Contact us today to let us help you create a secure relationship between you and your latest AI chat friend.